
Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weak and delicate and are prone to break off easily even with a slight fall or disturbance. The weaker the bones, the more likely it is to break. Osteoporosis usually has no symptoms unless and until a break occurs and the reason is traced back to osteoporosis. A vertebral compression fracture or the spinal fracture is the most common kind of osteoporotic fracture.

When excess pressure is applied on the vertebrae, it tends to crack or compress. This is possible in the event of an accident or trauma, however people with osteoporosis can sustain to this kind of fracture even while doing daily activities.

 How to spot a vertebrae compression fracture ?

A sharp pain is usually noticed at the site of the break and typically it generally occurs at the waist line or somewhere between the mid chest to the waist line. This pain is seen to intensify with motion and calms down while resting. When the fracture is too severe, it can also damage the nearby nerves thereby causing shooting pain to radiate down the limb.

Right diagnosis at spine injury hospitals in Secunderabad is always the first step of a proper treatment and Dr.Sreenath has excelled in this are by only taking necessary imaging and diagnostic tests to pinpoint the cause of your issue and coming forth with a right plan for vertebroplasty treatment in Hyderabad. If none of the non-surgical methods seem to work, vertebral augmentation is performed at best back pain hospital in Madinaguda. These are essentially two kinds:

  1. Kyphoplasty: This is done to essentially restore the height of the compressed vertebrae. A thing needle is guided to the disintegrated vertebrae using an xray imaging. Once the needle reaches the site, a balloon is pushed through the needle and inflated inside the vertebrae so as to come to its original height. Post this, the cavity is filled with a specialized bone cement before the balloon is removed out to bring forth the strength of the vertebrae.
  2. Vertebroplasty: This process is very similar to kyphoplasty except for the fact that balloon is excluded and the cement is directly pushed into the compressed vertebrae.

In both these processes, the patients are made to lie on their front and the surgeries are performed directly on the back. Patients are encouraged to go back to work or their regular activities at the earliest.

Get the osteoporosis fracture treatment in Hyderabad. Visit kyphoplasty surgery doctor in Hyderabad.